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  • Writer's pictureJordan Le Bon

Video Report of the fatal fire at Paul’s Hair & Beauty World - (Editing Only)

This video report was created to provide a summary of the fire at Paul’s Hair and Beauty World, Oldham Street, Manchester, which broke out on Saturday, July 13, 2013, and tragically claimed the life of Firefighter Stephen Hunt.

Focus Business Communications worked closely with Greater Manchester Fire Service and I was tasked to help create the visual report using live footage, Audio recordings, Photographs, News reports & detailed Maps.

Pat Johnson, Station Manager headed the Team in creating a training resource video.

After many group video meetings with other firefighters, key witnesses and other members of departments, a plan was developed of how to deliver this project to ensure it was created accurately and respectfully.

We were fortunate to have a detailed roadmap & timeline provided by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service to help communicate the order of events and significant details necessary to tell the full story from the day.

Here’s what Pat had to say about the work we did alongside Focus Business Communications to complete this project:

“Jordan has been a pleasure to work with on a sensitive and complex production. He has come up with solutions to problems we’ve encountered on the way and has really embraced the project on a personal level, which comes across in his attention to detail with the production.

This video will help to supplement the Fatal Accident Report for use by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service and other UK firefighters, it will educate, inform and will help in preventing similar tragedies from occurring.”

Paul Stuart the Director of Training within the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service wrote to the Chief Fire Officer of GMFRS, Dave Russel and said:

“I was previously the Director of Training within the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) whilst also being involved in ensuring lessons were learned from [sadly] our own fatal incident at the Balmoral Bar in Edinburgh in 2009.
Therefore I am aware of the pressures, emotions and intensity of learning from such tragic incidents. In my opinion it takes great courage to learn from incidents of this nature and the approach taken by your organisation has, in my view, been nothing short of exemplary.
May the rest of the UK learn from this video, its messages, its content and the nature in which it has been presented. I will certainly, in my current role of developing the SFRS, take heed and hope to play a part in increasing the safety of our front line crews.

If there is something of value to come from the incident then I believe you and your team have found it, may Stephen Rest in Peace.”

I am proud to have been involved in such an important & significant project, may Stephen always be remembered.

Jordan Le Bon - Editor, Bonjorfilm

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